Monday, October 31, 2005

Terror, by Courtesy of Iran.

So Iran has no intentions to attack Israel? Why, no, they just use their proxies. According to a senior Palestinian intelligence officer (!), Iran has promised a reward of 10,000 Dollar to Islamic Jihad if it launches rockets at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv. But of course, Iran itself rejects all forms of terrorism and violence! Such nice people, let's give them Atomic fuel.

Update: Israeli newspaper Maariv reports that the Palestinian Authority is closely co-operating with Iran, quoting IDF Brig.-Gen. Yossi Kuperwasser: "Two weeks ago Abbas sent his welfare minister, Abu al-Razek, to an event where funds from Iran were distributed to the families of terrorists. The PA sponsored the event." You won't find that information in the German media, either.

Off Topic.

Here's one more reason to adore Katie Melua: After a scientist had taken issue with the inaccuracy of her line
"We are 12 billion light years from the edge, that's a guess, no one can ever say it's true, but I know that I will always be with you,"
she simply changed it to:
"We are 13.7 billion light years from the edge of the observable universe, that's a good estimate, with well defined error bars, and with the available information I predict that I will always be with you."
Very sweet.

Battle of the Jackets.

Cool jacket, young Padawan! But it can't compete with this one, now can it?

Photo (c) Henryk Broder

Deafening Silence

Iran's President Ahmadinejad did not only threaten Israel in his rant on the occasion of the "World without Zionism" conference last week: According to MEMRI's translation of the speech, he spoke about a "historical war between the World of Arrogance [i.e. the West] and the Islamic world" which had been "going on for hundreds of years." Ahmadinejad also threatened to punish all those Arab nations who recognize Israel: "If someone is under the pressure of hegemonic power [i.e. the West] and understands that something is wrong, or he is naive, or he is an egotist and his hedonism leads him to recognize the Zionist regime - he should know that he will burn in the fire of the Islamic Ummah... Oh dear people, look at this global arena. By whom are we confronted? We must understand the depth of the disgrace imposed on us by the enemy, until our holy hatred expands continuously and strikes like a wave."

This is nothing short of a declaration of war against the West and those Islamic nations who wish to come to civilized terms with Israel. But as German journalist Ulrich Sahm, who lives in Jerusalem, points out, German media decided not to cover that part of the speech. Another telling example of Western media's voluntary self-castration. Also see the post at Politically Incorrect, please.

Mullahs against Violence

This just in: Ayatollah Khamenei posthumously denounces all sorts of terror and violence. At least according to this touching banner Henryk Broder photographed at last Saturday's Al Quds demonstration in Berlin.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Gotta love Dry Bones.

Until today, this was my favorite "Dry Bone" cartoon:
But once again, Yaakov Kirschen outdid himself. Astonishing.

(Update: Also see the post on Davids Medienkritik.)

Scare Tactics

The mysterious explosions, for whom the Israeli Air Force originally denied all responsibility, are now being attributed to IAF jets "trying to deter terrorists in Gaza." They might also well be the sounds of fighter jets training to deny a terrorist regime the Atomic weapon. If you want to know more about how such raids are being prepared, first read this and afterwards that book. Interestingly, nowadays Israel uses target ranges in Turkey to train for long-range aerial attacks.

Philanthropical Weapons Manufacturer

How very considerate of Bell Helicopter! Here's an impressive movie showing people for whom at least the second sentence of the ad from USMC Magazine (you can even get it as a poster!) came true. I am not sure though they really appreciated the humane deliberations of the AH-1Z's manufacturers...

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Small Country, huge Shopping Carts.

Rishon LeZion, August 2005

Refugees forever?

Here's a very good article on the issue of Palestinian refugees - asking a salient question: Why it is that only Palestinians can pass on refugee status to their children and grandchildren? For further reading on the topic, this book is recommended.

Will somebody pinch me, please?

Probably for the first time in its history, the UN finds itself in very honorable company!

Friday, October 28, 2005

The good News

The special relationship between the USA and Israel will prevail as long as people feel the need to burn the
American and the Israeli flags side by side.

(Dan Schueftan)

The Sound of Freedom

Sonic booms are apparently keeping Israelis awake. Listen up, Mr. Ahmadinejad...

+++Iran Demonstration Update+++

I just learned that the demonstration in front of the Iranian Embassy in Berlin has been moved to 15:30.

Positively crazy.

As has been proven in the last few days once again, the world is full of crazy people. Here's a person who undoubtedly belongs to that group - but I love what he does!
Picture (c) Carl Brunn

Required Reading

I am declaring today as this blog's official "Tribute to Tony Blair Day." A perfect opportunity to pick up this book - and to remember one of its key sentences:

The battle in Iraq is between those who have committed mass murder or wish to, and those who seek a decent civil society. It is the most important battle of our time. (p. 232)

Thank you, Tony!

This speaks for itself:

British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Thursday launched a hard-hitting attack on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad following his comments calling for Israel to be "wiped off the map."

Blair told gathered journalists that he feld a sense of revulsion at the "completely unacceptable" remarks of Ahmadinejad.

"If they continue down that path then people are going to believe they are a real threat to our world security and stability," Blair said, adding Iran is making a "very big mistake" if it thought the world would ignore its anti-Israeli sentiment because it was distracted by other world events.

"I have never come across a situation of the president of a country saying they want to wipe out - not that they have got a problem with or an issue with - but actually want to wipe out another country," Blair said, adding Ahmadinejad's behavior underlined the need for Iran itself to reform.

"This is unacceptable and their attitude towards Israel, their attitude towards terrorism, their attitude on the nuclear weapons issue isn't acceptable," Blair said.

"Can you imagine a state like that with an attitude like that having a nuclear weapon?"

Here's the ultimate guarantee they won't get it.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Demonstration for Israel's Right to Exist

Please take part in a demonstration against the Iranian President's Declaration of War against the State of Israel. The demonstration will take place in front of the Iranian Embassy in Berlin on October 29, 2005, 14:00.

Here's the original appeal by Institut Neue Impulse e.V.:

Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,
wir schweigen nicht und nehmen die
Ankündigung der Vernichtung Israels durch den Präsidenten des Iran nicht hin.Wir stellen uns eindeutig an die Seite Israels! Wir protestieren gegen diesen unbeschreiblichen Hassausbruch und diese offene Zerstörungsabsicht - wie sie auch immer gedacht oder beabsichtigt sein mag. Die Aufforderung zu Hass, Vernichtung, Zerstörung und Tötung ist unerträglich. Sie verstößt gegen alle Grundsätze der zivilen Welt. Sie vernichtet alle Bemühungen um friedliche Konfliktlösungen und beendet damit die mühsamen und hoffnungsvollen Wege des Friedens. Der Iran wird sich so in aller Welt isolieren und ein Beispiel der Verirrung und Verwirrung werden - von dem man sich zutiefst distanzieren wird und muss.

Wir fordern Euch auf, kommt am Samstag, 29.10. 2005 um 14.oo Uhr, zur Botschaft des Iran, Podbielskiallee 65-67,
14195 Berlin-Dahlem.
Zeigt Euch, zeigt Euer Gesicht, bringt Plakate und Transparente mit und gebt zu erkennen, dass Ihr die Botschaft des iranischen Präsidenten eindeutig zurückweist und dass Ihr für das Lebensrecht des jüdischen Volkes und des israelischen Staates einsteht.
Bitte sendet diesen Aufruf weiter - wir sollten sehr viele sein!

Eyes wide shut.

A presenter on German public radio WDR2 just expressed her utter surprise at yesterday's remarks of Iran's president: "It's almost unbelievable that he should have said that." Well, only if you kept your eyes and ears shut with regards to Iran in the last 26 years. Obviously, this is just what German media has been occupied with for a very long time.

The Stories behind the News

Read the sad stories of the five Israelis killed in yesterday's murder bombing in Hadera in the Jerusalem Post. You can support their relatives and other victims of terror by donating to One Family Fund.

Outrage of the Day

Read the amazing story of how the City of Aachen severed the life lines of hundreds of its citizens - for three months and without prior announcement. (And, well, my brother is on center stage.) There's only one thing to say, really: Au Hur!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

We are not afraid.

You won't prevent us from visiting and supporting our friends.

Rishon LeZion, August 2005

No need to worry.

So Iran's President openly calls for the destruction of Israel. That's just loose talk, any sane European will tell you. Please remain seated.

While Europe sleeps.

Syria is pursuing "an innovative chemical warfare (CW) program in co-operation with Iran," Jane's Defence Weekly reports. According to that report, Tehran made a contractual commitment to Syria a few months ago to provide technical assistance to facilitate Syria's CW program. Iran will allegedly help Syria in the planning, establishment, and operation of several facilities throughout Syria for the production of precursors for VX and Sarin nerve agents and mustard blister agent.

"Axis of Evil," anyone? (Anyway, I prefer the "Axis of Good.")

For the Record.

Robbie Williams is my favorite entertainer. But today, he bores me to death.

Good Morning, Mr. Assad!

Dead Sea, August 2005


It now obviously has become mainstream in Germany to call foreign investors "locusts." Even members of the editorial staff at Berliner Zeitung plastered their offices with anti-locust signs - plain to see for investor David Montgomery during his talks in the publishing house's HQ. Davids Medienkritik has a good post on insects in German language.

"Ende, Aus, Nikolaus."

Hear why we love Willi Landgraf: here.

(c) Aachener Zeitung

Alma Mater

Mount Scopus, August 2005

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

They call it diplocardiac.

Read the epic story of a man torn between Borussia Mönchengladbach and Alemannia Aachen!

Update on November 3, 2005
: Jan Schlaudraff just signed a 3-year-contract with Alemannia Aachen.

This is bad.

Stumpfes Fell, müde Augen – kann sie Mosi nicht vergessen?

Große Sorge um DAISY


München – In acht Tagen beginnt der Prozeß gegen den Killer von Modezar Rudolph Moshammer (†64). Daisy, seine geliebte Hündin, war bei ihm, als der Mord geschah. Kann sie ihr Herrchen nicht vergessen?

Gestern erwischte sie der BILD-Fotograf: Daisy hechelnd, mit stumpfem Fell, müde, ein Bild des Jammers. Was ist bloß mit der Yorkshire-Terrier-Dame (12) los?

See the shocking photos and read the whole story here.

Ossi with good Taste

See for yourselves what for Birger J. (born 1963) spent his first Western money after the fall of the Berlin Wall: here. Hattip: Peter

Double Standards

German public broadcasting's coverage of the Hariri assassination and the related UN commission of inquiry report is simply outrageous. In yesterday's heute journal (watch it here), one of the main news broadcasts, once again the topic was buried somewhere in the middle of the show. If the investigation would have found the Mossad and family members of Ariel Sharon to be involved in the murder, the story would undoubtedly have been front-page news for weeks on end. And I bet the German prosecutor, Detlev Mehlis, would have been a pop star by now, being passed on from talk show to talk show.

I keep on trying to hope that this kind of botched reporting is "just" a result of journalists' skewed evaluation which was once explained by an Editor-in-Chief of "The Times": "When we write about Israel, we automatically presume an identity of our standards and their standards and judge the Israelis along the same criteria we use to measure ourselves. We do not do that in the case of the enemies of Israel." (quoted in my book) But I more and more fear that there is much, much more to it.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Happy Birthday!

Happy 60th Anniversary, UN! A good day to re-read this enlightening report, pick up this book, and to say as the Israelis do: "UM, Schum, Klum!"

Photo (c) Yossi Lemel

The Regime must go.

The Jerusalem Post analyzes the future of Syria's regime. I think it suffices to quote two lines from David Frum's and Richard Perle's brillant book "An End to Evil":

"Really, there is only one question to ask about Syria: Why have we put up with it as long as we have?"

Naturally, the German media sees it very differently. Berliner Zeitung says: "Poor Syria"! Hattip: Tobias

Update on Tuesday, October 25, 2005: That article did not go unnoticed and unpunished. The very evening the text was published, Berliner Zeitung was bought by a group of "anglo-American" investors. Now, that was quick. And the moral of this story: Don't mess with the US! Poor Berliner Zeitung.

Toda raba.

The book I have dreamed of for years has finally been published! Ofer Zidon took some of the greatest pictures of Israeli aircraft I have ever seen. Get the book here.

Another day in Paradise

City of Gaza

Saw the excellent Brazilian movie "City of God" yesterday. Gives you a good and very graphic idea of what's going on in Dschabaliyah and Rafah these days.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Goalkeeper Performance

Alemannia Fan says: Kudos tho this man. Although my home club lost its game, this goal keeper's performance made my trip to the stadium worthwhile. On four different occasions he wallowed in the mud (in the language of Aachen: "in der Pratsch"), seemingly in agony, pretending to be mortally wounded by an imaginary opponent. Even Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung noticed this amazing show. Most of the spectators answered the put-on with chorus lines that had not been heard at the "Tivoli" in a very long time ("A..., W..., H...!").

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Shocker of the Day

I cannot believe they did it. I was hit totally unprepared by a distressing revelation at the "Penny Markt" today: After 32 years, Kinder Schokolade has changed the face on its box! Only a few weeks ago, it was finally revealed to whom the legendary face belongs. And now - this! I'm posting a picture below as evidence that I'm not making this horrible story up.

Update on Sunday, 10-23-2005: Our reader Peter suspects the new portrait is actually a childhood picture of Willi Landgraf, a soccer player who is world-famous in Aachen. Judge for yourselves:

Friday, October 21, 2005

Travel Recommendation II

This Hotel in Eilat may not be the most beautiful in the world from the inside - but it sure is from this point of view.

Du bist Deutschland.

Some very nice replies to that strange campaign can be found on

Surprise, surprise

Germany's leading newsmagazine "Der Spiegel" is shocked: Syria is allegedly complicit in the murder plot against former Lebanese prime minister Hariri!

Who would have thought that?

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Travel Recommendation I

According to a good friend, this place has everything one needs these days: Oil, Chicks and Bazar Vendors who'll "take no for an answer." (Unlike in Molvania.)


Rumsfeld's Rule I

"While controversial ideas beget enemies, they also make new friends and create new opportunities. And finally, those opportunities themselves are not opportunities for self-aggrandizement - they are opportunities to do battle, once again, for the cause."

Jeffrey A. Krames: The Rumsfeld Way, page 195.


"...there was the exhilaration, the sheer joy of being caught up in something grand and noble and worth the peril of death."

Those are the timelessly true words which Martin Blumenson uses to describe the experience of the members of the 101st Airborne Division in WWII (see: Introduction to "A Screaming Eagle at Normandy" by Donald R. Burgett).

Once again, our generation is having a "Rendezvous with Destiny."

Mission Statement

So this is what it's all about.