Sunday, June 17, 2007


The Soviet Union was a Third World country with nuclear weapons.

The only way to fight radicals is to humiliate them. You must always find the arch-radical, break him and humiliate him - or hang him, that's even better.

The Palestinians are very, very heavily overrated in their impact on the Arab world.

It's much easier to have democracy in Europe. What for example does a Swiss do every day?
He drills a hole in a cheese, builds a cuckoo clock and closes it with chocolate - he doesn't have energy for anything besides democracy.

Because I know I will live in conflict for the next 100 years, I want a strong Israeli society. Therefore we need to get out of the West Bank and East Jerusalem.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wie jetzt, das ist aber ein Widerspruch: Erst die Schurken erniedrigen wollen, und ihnen dann ostjerusalem schenken? Den Golan gleich mit? Sämtliche Siedlungen im Westjordanland? Ein judenreines Palästina, man verzeihe den Ausdruck?
komische Type.

8:30 PM  
Blogger David Harnasch said...

Jaja, ich erinnere mich an eine Auslage in Grindelwald: "Original Swiss Cuckoo Clock". Worüber ich als Schwarzwälder den Kopf schüttle!

4:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's much easier to have democracy in Europe. What for example does a Swiss do every day? He drills a hole in a cheese, builds a cuckoo clock and closes it with chocolate - he doesn't have energy for anything besides democracy.

Meine Freundin aus der Schweiz wird mich "umbringen", wenn ich ihr diese Zeilen vorlese...

6:05 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

"Therefore we need to get out of the West Bank and East Jerusalem."

"Get out" hört sich nach Flucht an. It's been won fair and square in the sixdaywar. Vielleicht wäre "give over to" besser. Auch inhaltlich.

Immerhin konnte unter israelischer "Herrschaft" Ost-Jerusalem nicht nur von Juden, sondern auch von Christen und Moslems betreten werden.

ich muss leider "nichtidentisches" zustimmen.

11:01 AM  

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